Teach Others

Teach Others What You Know

Luckily many people support Dojo to further their education and learn the latest and greatest tools of the trade.


What Do We Do Together?

All instructors must become an instructor sponsor before teaching.  As an Instructor Sponsor, you can host meetings and teach others what you know.  These offerings form an incredibly economical way to teach others while earning their respect by supporting something they love. Below are two examples, one seminar and one class series, that demonstrate the power of these partnerships.  The Dojo is happy to support either model.

Give a Seminar (one time):

A few topics are straight forward that instructors prefer 1-hour seminar model.

Teach Classes (multiple times): 

Other topics are complex.  These classes might be paced over several sessions, or the information might be repeated at each class to welcome new students each time.

Make Cobranded video: 

The Dojo is also pleased to host short cobranded educational video content online to help distribute an introduction to powerful lessons. These videos form a condensed version of the classes offered so that curious makers around the world can become familiar easily.

How do I become an Instructor Sponsor?